Welcome to the Restorative Medicine Herbal Fellowship Program!
This Learning Management System will track your progress throughout the course.
Please set up your profile and update your password here.
- You can start listening to the on-demand recordings that are listed in the Modules Menu under “Foundations of Herbal Medicine Module: Herb Pharmacology”.
- You can download the Course Syllabus, which will provide a summary of the module and each recording.
- The recordings are listed on the right column.
- A pdf of the powerpoint for each presentation is listed above each recording.
- A quiz is listed below each recording.
- Click on the quiz listing, and then click the button “Start Quiz”.
- If you do not pass the quiz with 75% or better, you can re-take it.
- If you failed the quiz and need technical support to access a retake, please email customerservice@restorativemedicine.com.
- In the Herb Pharmacology course, the first three recordings and quizzes are required to be completed. The last two recordings in the list are focused on traditional herbalism and are optional.
Tracking Your Progress
You can track your progress on your profile page.
- In the list of modules, click on the triangle and it will open up your progress report for that topic.
- You can log on anytime here.
If you are interested in reviewing immunology fundamentals in advance of the Immunology Module at the Spring Conference, we have 2 outstanding reviews from Heather Zwickey, PhD under the Immunology Module tab. These are optional and there is not a quiz for these recordings.
Recommended Reading
Botanical Medicine Textbook 2nd Edition, Marisa Marciano, ND
Herbal Formularies for Health Professionals, Volume 1, Digestion and Elimination, Jillian Stansbury, ND
Herbal Formularies for Health Professionals, Volume 2, Circulation and Respiration, Jillian Stansbury, ND
Herbal Formularies for Health Professionals, Volume 3, Endocrinology, Jillian Stansbury, ND
Thrive Don’t Only Survive: Dr.Geo’s Guide to Living Your Best Life Before & After Prostate Cancer